Be. Do. Have Model July 2,2020 : Angela Braun

Yes, this is not a Movie Webinar, but something you might find interesting. I attended the Be. Do. Have Model webinar last week. Here are my takeaways:

“Be” the want that you want.

“Do” from that state of being.

This allows us to get what we have.

How you live now as how you show up in the future. Often we bring the past into the future.

Foundational Platforms

  1. Vision: Where do you want to go?
  2. Create: what that person of who and what you want to be. What is this person like? If you know someone and you like their qualities and successes, ask them about what they do. DO NOT say ” let me pick your brain” . No one likes that. Instead begin with ” You inspire me… ” and go from there.
  3. Visualize: and take action. Picture what your life looks like in 5 years. Who will you want to spend time with? What is the relationship you want with money? How do you picture yourself walking in a room?

Show up like a leader who needs to be in the role you have created.

Personal Branding: What you say about yourself.

Personal Brand: What people say about you.

Don’t fall into imposter syndrome (although, it does happen to everyone). Imposter syndrome is the feeling you have not earned your success and this is totally normal.

Keep your “blindspots” open. After all, we have “blindspots” for a reason as we do not want to deal with that issue.



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